Q-Line Liquid Stable range of Biochemistry Reagents

Q-Line Liquid Stable range of Biochemistry Reagents

Q-Line Liquid Stable range of Biochemistry Reagents
Q-Line Liquid Stable range of Biochemistry Reagents
Q-Line Liquid Stable range of Biochemistry Reagents
Q-Line Liquid Stable range of Biochemistry Reagents
Q-Line Liquid Stable range of Biochemistry Reagents


- Liquid Stable Reagents - High Linearity & Sensivity - Single or Dual Reagent System - Batch to Batch Consistency - Broad Range of Parameters - Pack Size Suitable For all Requirement :- ALBUMIN :- ALP(DEA) :- ALP(IFCC) :- ALT/GPT :- AMYLASE :- AST/GOT :- BILIRUBIN (T/D) :- CALCIUM :- CHOLESTEROL :- CREATININE :- GLUCOSE PAP :- GAMMA-GT PLUS :- HDL DIRECT :- LDL DIRECT :- LDH-P :- LIPASE :- MAGNESIUM :- PHOSPHORUS :- TOTAL PROTEIN PLUS :- TRIGLYCERIDES :- UREA UV :- URIC ACID
Sub Category Offered
Acids, Solutions, SolventsCulture MediaIn Vitro Diagnostics Test Kits, CalibratorsRaw MaterialsSalts, Minerals, Sugars, Stains, Dyes

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