25-Hydroxy Vitamin D (25-OH-VD) Rapid Quantitative Test Kit (Immunofluorescence Assay)
This kit is suitable for the in vitro quantitative detection of the concentration of
25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-VD) in human whole blood, plasma, and serum.
Clinically, it is primarily used as an auxiliary diagnostic tool for diseases related
to vitamin D deficiency.
25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-VD) is synthesized in the body through the
catalytic action of 25-hydroxylase on vitamin D. It serves as the primary storage
form of vitamin D in the body and reflects the nutritional status of vitamin D.
The concentration of 25-OH-VD is primarily associated with the diagnosis,
treatment, and monitoring of diseases such as rickets in children, osteoporosis
in adults, chondrodystrophy, and renal bone disease. It is also closely related to
cardiovascular diseases, immune disorders, diabetes, and other conditions. In
conjunction with other clinical data, the test results aid in assessing bone